Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Olympus E510 SLR - The best of the bunch

Image : http://www.flickr.com

I bought an Olympus SLR camera some time ago, the Evolt E510 model to be more exact. My advice for those that are buying a SLR camera for the first time would be to be careful how they choose it. If the auto mode is the only thing that you'll be using, then you should stick with the cheaper versions. The E510 for example is not made to be great in this area, and a very good point and shoot might be better. For example, if you choose to use auto mode with a SLR, the photo will be bad if the sun is behind you. With a DSLR you need to use either spot metering or the P mode. What I like about this camera:

1. I can take shots that are sharp at 1/30 while the focal length is set at 300mm in 35mm equivalent.

2. The ISO is clean and high. The noise reduction is very small when the ISO is up to 800. If you're using ISO 1600, the results will be even better.

3. The quality of the photos is good , with good sharpness and color, even if the noise filter is turned off. There are cameras out there with better dynamic range, but it shouldn't be a problem if you use Lightroom and RAW files.

4. SSWF. While other brands have problems in this department, the dust buster works well. Even though I change lenses quite a bit, I didn't see any dust.

5. The weight, size and ergonomics. The lenses that come with the camera will cover the 28-300mm range, something that doesn't happen with any other camera.

What I don't like about it:

1. The viewfinder is a bit on the small side, but at least it's bright compared with other models from Olympus. Using the Live View will help you a bit. If you have good eyes, that's not a problem.

2. Using lenses with manual focus for confirmation of the focus. It's something that I wished it had, since other cameras from Pentax and Panasonic have it. Since it should be fixable through the software, they could probably do that through firmware.

The problems that I'm not so bad with him, and the second can be easily resolved. If you have some 'experience, then you can take great photos with. If you look at it again, then there could be a challenge at first. Until they are disturbed by the fact that he did in China, this is to have a very good camera.

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