Minggu, 22 Juli 2007

Wedding Photography

Wedding-Photography-10One of the most common photography topics that the guys over at DigitalPhotographySchool are asked about is Wedding Photography.
Here are a few tips that they have compiled.

These are awesome tips. I have been asked to shoot weddings, but have declined all due to the “panic factor” as well as the “amateur factor”! I think it is a great idea to step in as a back-up to gain some portfolio shots, but I think you have to be careful as to not step on the pro’s toes. These are all very helpful tips and offer wonderful insight, as do so many of the DPS posts, so thanks everyone who posted. I am learning SOOO much, it’s very exciting. Maybe someday I will be comfortable enough to shoot a wedding, but as for now, I’m not ready to deal w/ the wrath of bridezilla’s mom either!

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