Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

How to Take Pictures of Flowers

Image : http://www.flickr.com

There are tons of books on how to take pictures of flowers.  You've probably heard many of the basic rules about lighting, camera settings, and proper equipment.  Here is something you may not have considered.  Set your mind to what you are looking for before you head out the door.  Don't forget to take your camera with you too, of course.

What does mind set have to do with taking flower pictures? 

I'm glad you asked that question.

Lighting is important.  And so is using a tri-pod or at least something to steady your camera.  Using the right camera adjustments can also come in handy.  But with today's new digital camera's most of the work is done for you.  Set them to automatic and they take care of the rest.

Now if you want to take the time to learn the manual settings on your camera, you can come up with some really nifty effects.  There is one thing that no amount of equipment on earth can give you.  And that is your enthusiasm.

Cameras can take the pictures of flowers but they won't find the flowers for you.  Nor will they see the perfect background, position, or combination of colors.  Put any camera in the hand of a photographer with the right mind set and you have an unbeatable team.

What do I mean by mind set?

Your mind set is your frame of mind.  You know just what you want your pictures of flowers to look like.  It's your thoughts, feelings and emotions that will attract the perfect flower to you and your camera.  For instance, if you start your nature walk with the idea that you want to find some unusual shapes and sizes, that is exactly what you will see on your walk.

It has been proven scientifically that we can only hold our attention on one thing at a time.  So if your attention is on beautiful flowers, they seem to pop out from under leaves with every step you take.  You'll wonder later how you ever found such an abundance of color in one trip to the park.

Did you find them?  Or did they respond to your wondering eye because of your attention? 

I remember once when I was looking for butterflies on flowers to take pictures of.  I had not seen one yet that summer. Just before we ventured to the park I thought to myself, "I wonder if I'll see a butterfly today?"

That afternoon the gardens were full of butterflies on almost every flower.

Everything Else in Your Bag is a Prop

I have to admit that having the right equipment and good lighting does come in handy.  You might consider adding these few props to your bag of tricks:

Tri-pods - Sometimes your camera will show a little hand when you are ready to shoot a picture.  That means either you are shaking or the settings are very sensitive to movement.  This is when a tripod comes in handy.  Or use a part of your body to steady your camera on those occasions when you left with only your camera.

Good Lighting - Okay, this isn't actually a piece of equipment I know.  But there are a few great times for taking pictures of flowers.  Early morning and evening can give you lighting that photographers call the "sweet spot".  Overcast days are also good for bringing out the best flower colors.  And my favorite time to capture flowers with my camera is right after a rain shower.

Filters - It has been said that sunshine can be your worst enemy when it comes to flower picture taking.  That's where inexpensive filters come in handy. 

Batteries - It's always good to carry a few extra batteries with you.  It's no fun when you see that message "replace batteries" as your camera shuts down and you don't have new ones with you.

Memory Card - And finally make sure you have enough memory to take all the pictures of flowers that will present themselves to you.

Just remember; if you leave the house with nothing but your camera and your love of flowers, you will be sure to find the perfect pictures of flowers waiting for you.  

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